Icefall / November 30, 2009

Icefall Character Creation

Because screenshots are always interesting, here is a screenshot of the “Character Creation” part of Icefall. This is one of the very first screens new players will see, as they opt to begin a new adventure the first thing to do is decide who they’re going to be. (I deliberately replaced the description text with

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Code / November 21, 2009

Icefall UI Evolution

Taking a break from coding topics, today’s post explores how Icefall’s dialog User Interface (UI) has evolved over the course of it’s development. My automatic-backup tool keeps every version of Icefall available, so I fired up a few old versions and took some screenshots to illustrate the process. Original Design This screenshot is actually from the

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Icefall / November 5, 2009

Minimum requirements

What’s a reasonable minimum spec to aim for these days? With Icefall, I’ve already taken the decision to target Direct3D9 – I get a lot of extra capabilities compared to DirectX8, and it still works with Windows XP unlike 10 or 11… a pretty simple decision. But what about in terms of video memory? And

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Icefall / October 24, 2009

Real-time, or turn-based?

The next step in Icefall’s development was to decide whether to make the game realtime (like Diablo, Titan Quest, World of Warcraft…) or turn-based (Angband, Nethack, Ultima 1..5). This is probably the biggest decision for a role-playing game, as it dictates the entire gameplay, as well as the UI, multiplayer, everything. Initially, I looked at

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Icefall / October 17, 2009

About Icefall

I am currently working on a new role playing game called Icefall, and to help maintain clear thinking, correct decisions, etc etc etc, I’ve decided to document the development journey on this website as a blog. That way, once Icefall is released and becomes hugely popular (:D), I will have a solid record of how

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